Like Nails On Chalkboard

I don’t know if it’s supposed to be funny but I did find it hilarious that while checking what topic among the Hive Ghana Prompts would suit me, I flinched and shuddered unconsciously as I got to the last topic.

This week, we want you to tell us what sound irritates you most in your whole life.

I felt the beginning of goose bumps ready to invade my skin because that irritating sound came to mind the instant I read it. I’m not sure I can adequately convey into words the way I feel with scratching sounds. Spoon scraping against the pot, a nail scratching against the tile or the wall, two sharp or heavy objects moving against each other.... that sort of thing.

I went to browse just as I was about to write this post what the name given for that extreme irritation to these kinds of sounds and I saw it was the same as what @nhaji01 described as an ailment she’s dealing with. Misophonia. While I’m not sure I can describe the way I react to this sound as a mental disorder, because for one, I think I’m perfectly normal, and two, in this part of the world, if you’re not roaming mindlessly on the streets, you can’t “claim” to have a mental disorder. Lol. Sad but true.

Point is, I can count by several incidents from when I was little to now, on just how badly I react to this sound. I remember when I was about eleven. My parents had locked my elder sister and I in the house and gone out. I don’t quite remember the details now but for some reason, we only had access to the living room and the kitchen. There wasn’t power supply so we just stayed in the living room, bored out of my minds.

My sister went to the kitchen and came back with the pot that contained the last portion of rice and began munching away. The pot had burnt bits that had stuck to the pot at the bottom. As that is considered the sweetest part of the food, she began scraping away at the bottom of the stainless steel pot with the stainless spoon. I didn't think I would mind but soon I couldn't take it anymore.

I begged her to stop and covered my ears. But she must have felt that I was just being dramatic and continued scraping away. I felt the scraping deep in my brain like someone was trailing ants on me or something. The goose bumps came and before I could even register what was happening, I was curled up into a ball and weeping profusely.

I have this very close relationship with my elder sister, so even though I was still somewhat confused about my reaction, I wasn’t surprised when she knelt by my side, crying and shaking me as she asked me what the matter was. At that time, I didn’t understand so I told her I didn’t know (even as we cried together). I did realize soon enough though.

Of course, I don’t cry when I hear these sounds anymore. But I still get the goosebumps, and a nagging feeling of restlessness like someone was peeling off my skin with blunt pincers. It may not be that deep with you, but do you have a similar irritation with this sound?


Thumbnail created with NightCafe Studio.

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