Success to me

Success is a word that I can't say has a universally acceptable meaning. It makes this topic an interesting one. Growing up, I heard a lot of talk about success. What is the yardstick for measuring success? Some people would tell you that there is a particular level someone must reach in life to be considered successful.


I remember having a discussion with a friend, and she mentioned a man who was a university lecturer for years, and according to her, the man wasn't successful. I asked why, and she was like, "He doesn't have a car." I tried letting her know that having a car isn't a sign of success. I recall the argument getting heated, and I had to let it go. For her, a professor not having one is a sign of failure. Her yardstick for success is having a car.

For some people, success is quantified by the amount of money someone has, or, I can say, a person's net worth. Well, I can't fault this. If you check out some of the world's top magazines, the rate of success is based on the net worth of an individual.
A man once said that money is the definition of success.

Last year, I was discussing this with my younger sister, and she was of the opinion that having houses all over the world is a sign of being successful. She was honest with her view, and I totally understood what she meant. Owning an estate doesn't come cheap.

My perspective on success isn't all about material success. What one terms success might not mean success to another. The world is large, and everyone can have their own definition of success without being judged or disregarded.
Another man's success might be another's lowest point.

I remember telling a young man who had just graduated with a distinction from his post-graduate studies about how he was a success. He was so happy and thanked me for such kind words. It felt strange that I had to ask him why he was all happy and joyful. He said, "People have been telling him that he has not yet succeeded academically until he gets to a Ph.D. . I smiled and told him that he was successful.

For me, success has to do with one's level. I don't expect everyone to be at the same level of success. A man who just bought a bicycle is successful, but to a man who has a fleet of cars, the man who just bought a bicycle isn't successful. But for me, he is successful; that's his own level, and he has done well for himself. Personally, I believe success can't be measured because what are the variables to be used?

We are all successful at our own level. Everyone has made some level of success in life, and no one should be judged but should be encouraged. There is a saying that "all fingers are not equal." We can't all be at the same level of success, but we are all successful. Look back at your life; you will see that you have made giant strides.

Every step is a success.

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