My favorite day

Everyday can be a favorite day to anyone but to me Sunday happens to be my favorite day why because on Sunday I don't go to anywhere after church and I happen to be a church boy as most will say when they see you going to church they might even call you pastor self but I really love going to church because I get inspiration and knowledge from the teaching and preaching of the word of God as well as getting morals. because in as much as I get impacted I also share to my younger once and family.


I've always want Sunday to reach once we enter new week. So after church I seat at home then in the evening 🌆 I go out to chill and relax with friends and family at times and let go worries that happen during the week and make the present moment exciting and lively.

Aside that Sunday was the day I was born, to me, it is a memorial day to me I can't forget and definitely u should know in Nigeria once u are born in a particular day like Monday Friday and Sunday then definitely u will have to bear that name as for me it's (Sunday) again Sunday is a blessing to me I'm always favored on Sunday because I do receive exciting news and surprises on Sunday mostly, the girl I'm dating currently I met her on Sunday actually in one of my chill out places she's pretty and quiet simple and she always surprises me with lots of gifts this very day Sunday.

I've archived so many things of my life this very day of which I'm very proud of it..the most out of what I get, on Sundays evening my dad always tells me story of his life and also gist me what actually happen in his office through the week and that always keep me lively without been bored the most sweetest part of it is that any time he is telling me this story we don't usually have that at home rather he will drove us to a nice bar where we always go, immediately he start the gist next thing i will start giving him signal then he will realize that i want my favorite food and drink.

I love fried rice and chicken with plenty salad without that the gist won't be sweet so he has no choice but to make me happy and make my Sunday lovely, why we go out like that with my dad on Sundays is because of his kind of job( medical doctor)he's always busy and has no time but Sundays are his free days and so he make sure he gives me the best out of it because he knew that's my favorite day of the week.

But mind u despite Sunday is my favorite day like wise Mondays are my worst days I really wish Monday will be eliminated entirely from my life because even as I'm having fun on Sundays, Monday always come to my thoughts to try to steal my day and also to remind me that my enjoyment will soon be over that do actually gets me upset but still try to cheer my self up not to spoil the fun I'm either having with my dad or friends.

Not forgetting this part some Sundays my mom usually have meetings with her friends just few of them they will organize little get together and have fun so they will cook plenty food and buy drinks, once is Saturday already i wil always pray for Sunday to reach because i will be part of the fun and have a lively day. I really love Sundays as my favorite days thank you for reading 😊 🙏.

N.b the picture used is mine.

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