It took me the first 18 years of my life to finally consider dating and at first I dated someone who was not so close at all because he was in school then but we got to see each other when he was on holidays. Well, for some personal reasons I had to call it quits but then it was never because he was far away, in fact that was one reason why I didn’t want that relationship to end but unfortunately it had to.

Being in a relationship for me entails so many things except sex before marriage and that is one reason why I just most times reject most guys that ask me out because I know they are not serious about making me their wife but they just want to be in a relationship for fun. In fact, once I perceive a guy’s interests towards me is mostly because he wants me to go to bed with him, that means that relationship has ended without too much thoughts.

And due to this, I’ve always preferred long distance relationship because I know it is what will help me avoid the temptation of going to bed with any guy just because I’m dating him. I know I’m human and I have emotions, so the more I see the one I love I might easily forget my plans of not sleeping with a guy Because I love him. Even if I’m very sure he is the one I’d be getting married to, it’s only right that all the marriage rites have been done before I can let him have access to my body.

You see, I’ve always had the mind of, what if I sleep with a guy and he ends up not getting married to me, what will that make me? Because I’m definitely going to date another guy which might also not be the last. Well, to some people they call it fun but I know it isn’t fun because it’s only a matter of time before I will realize the damage that can bring to us if we engage in it.

Dating is not a license to sleeping around, for me it is a period of knowing the one you think you might spend the rest of your life with but then when that knowing period becomes too long, eventually the guy or the lady will begin to want more from their partner. And this is one major reasons while I always go for long distance relationship but personally I just prefer to stay single until I know I’m ready to settle down with someone.

This is my response to the Hiveghana weekly topic on ”THE LONG DISTANCE”.

The images used are mine

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