Weekly Engagement-WK 9: Join Us For A Week Filled With Exciting Activities

Hello to all,

A beautiful day it is today, the last day of the month of July, and a beautiful beginning to the month of August. We do hope that you are all doing amazing and having a wonderful time here in our community, on the blockchain in general, and in your personal lives off the blockchain.


You know how we do it, it is another blessed week and as usual we are here to learn, share and enlighten each other with our ideas and knowledge on and off the blockchain so we can grow together as a community and take the name of Hive to the masses. I am sure you are as expectant and excited as i am so without much ado let's see what we have for the week;


Suggest a Hive Project

The Ghanaian community led by @mcsamm and @collinz and the team of hard workers have led many projects that has seen significant impact and change in the lives of the ordinary Ghanaian many for whom continues to be very much grateful to the Blockchain for the love shown them.


We know that you all have wonderful ideas and amazing thoughts towards the welfare of the ordinary Ghanaian, perhaps you have seen some problems within your area and has thought up a solution which could actually work with the aid of the blockchain, for today we want to hear your amazing ideas, pitch us a solution to the problems you have seen around you. Suggest a Hive Project and lets and discuss.


The Most Important Lesson Learnt From Life

Yeah, yeah, i know it sounds so sophisticated but we do not need to grow to the 80 or 90 years because life teaches us important lessons. Some matured so early in life because of the hurdles life threw at them growing up, some learnt their most important lesson from life the hard way whereas others had these lessons been shared with them from their guardians, friends, supervisors etc.

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For our engagement for the week, we would love to hear these lessons, as already stipulated we are here to learn, share and enlighten each other. So tell us some of these lessons you have learnt perhaps what the reprecurssions could be for vice versa so we could make efforts to do better for our individual lives as we go through the journey called life.


End of Year Crypto Projection

There are some few of us who are still finding their way around the crypto world however i believe the lot of us know atleast a thing or two about the crypto world. We all saw how the rise of bitcoin to about 60K dollars took the world by the storm and how it's downfall to the 20Ks and below shook the foundations of altcoins and the likes.


There are lots of rumors and predictions going on about what the future of the blockchain and the crypto world would be in the near future, for our activity for the week we would like you to play the guess game with us this week. Let's do some predictions, what do you think would be happening in the crypto world before the end of the year. You can focus on any particular coin or blockchain and what you think could happen or you could generalize it. We definitely would love to hear your predictions.


Same rules, just a little addition and amendment. Let's make sure we follow the rules:

All posts should have a word count ranging from 300 to 500 words. Our curators will be reviewing the content, so we encourage everyone to make an effort to meet this requirement.

This activity will remain active starting from now until the final day of this payout. Thus, we strongly encourage all participants to submit their entries before the last day.

All members of the Hive Ghana community are invited to take part by writing on ONE or THREE topics, each focusing on a topic that excites them and they would like to write about. If you are submitting THREE entries be sure to post on separate days, not on the same day.

Also let's all endeavour to visit others post and leave good comments

If you wish to participate in our weekly activity, please ensure that you subscribe to the Hive Ghana community.

In your post, kindly include the tags #Hiveghana and #Ghana to enhance its visibility and increase the chances of receiving post-curation. Please note that votes are not guaranteed.

Also, ensure that all your entries are creatively crafted, Please use your own images or photos. If you decide to utilize images from copyright-free sources, make sure to provide appropriate credit.. We eagerly anticipate receiving your entries and reading about what you must share.

You may join us on discord let's learn together.

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