What Am I Grateful For?

Hey there, welcome to the beautiful month of August. I'm very excited about the new month, why not? My gut tells me this month is going to be amazing and very kind to us all.😊 My prayer is that August brings us peace of mind, joy, happiness, and productivity.

Yes, it's day one of an organized ten-day protest here in Nigeria, and we are all hopeful that at the end of this struggle, something positive will come out of it.

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Being grateful for the good things in our lives, no matter how big or small, is something important we have to be doing as much as possible. "A grateful life, they say, is a happy life." Looking back at the past months of this year, there are a lot of things that I am very grateful for. When I think about those things, I feel so blessed. When our hearts start to fill with gratitude, our blessings surely will continue to multiply.

I'm someone who is trying to follow the principle of multiplication, which says, "Whatever we focus on will multiply," regardless of whatever they are. So, I'm very mindful of what I'm putting my focus and energy into as this principle has proven to be true many times without numbers.

My first gratitude is for my family's health, especially that of my son. He got very sick between March and April this year, which got us worried and scared. We were in and out of the hospital for a complete two weeks, running various recommended lab tests without being able to pinpoint what was wrong with him. It got to the point where I felt overwhelmed and exhausted seeing my baby so restless and in discomfort.

Snapchat-1440954856.jpgmy son, sleeping on my chest while we waited for his chest X-ray to be taken

This made me run to God one night and ask God for a miracle, and my prayer was answered. My son recovered from his sickness without any major treatment, as every single test we conducted pointed to nothing being wrong in his system, except for one wrong test result that was given to us from the lab. We were told that his genexpert came out positive, that is, some traces of tuberculosis were found in his sample, but when we reran the test, it happened that his genexpert was negative thankfully.

Whenever I remember the whole incident, I'm always full of gratitude to God for restoring his health. And for the whole of my family, our great health is something I can never take for granted.

Another thing I'm very grateful for is how far I have come this year. This is a very challenging year for me; my patience has been tested, my faith, my courage, and resilience have been tested, and I'm still here, standing tall and stronger. I'm loving the woman I'm becoming. For that, I'm so full of gratitude; I am blessed.

Lastly, in the current harsh economy and so much uncertainty surrounding our economic growth, not having to worry about where my family's next meal will come from is something I'm truly grateful for and will never take for granted. These are just a few out of many things that, when I think about them, I can't help but smile and be grateful for how blessed I am.

So, over to you, what are you grateful for this year?

Thank you❣️ do have a blissful month once again.

@funshee ✍️🙏

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