The Fickle Nature Of Human Kind

I just sensed something serious the moment I heard my phone ring five days ago and the caller was my Mom.

Usually, she does not call us that early, her calls to check on us start from 10 am, when she knows I would be possibly done with my morning activities and be less busy. So on seeing her calling as early as 6 am, I knew something serious was going on at home.

Hello, ma;

"Hello dear, how are you all doing over there?"

We are fine Mom, how are you back at home?

Her next response after our usual exchange of pleasantry sends a cold shiver down my spine, and tears down my cheeks.

She narrated how her younger brother, my youngest uncle, had gotten involved in a car accident on his way down to our hometown the previous night and was battling for his life at the hospital.

The same accident claimed the lives of three other passengers on the spot. The first words that came out of my mouth were "why us", then I thought of those three who lost their lives and I began to be grateful to God for still keeping my uncle alive. It's not as if he is more righteous than them but he was just designed to still have some time left with us. I said a prayer to keep him safe and heal all his wounds.

Though he is still in the hospital bed at this moment, I am grateful he started responding to treatment, and the doctors have assured us of his good recovery.

According to how terrible the accident was, I do not know if it was pure luck that he is alive, if his time on this earth has not expired, or a pure miracle from God. Whichever way I'm truly grateful.

It came as a rude shock that someone I spoke with, a day before the said journey and who was so lively and cheerful like usual when we spoke on the phone, is now lying critically in a hospital bed.

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My heart goes to the accident victims' families who never knew that going out that day would be the end of their loved ones. I prayed they would find the strength and courage to move past such a sudden great loss. I hope time will ease their pains And that the departed souls find a perfect resting place.

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Incidents like this further remind me of how fickle human life is. Some moment we could be here, vibrant and full of life and the next moment we can be gone, it is now left to us what we choose to do between the lines.

So, if there is one single thing I am very grateful for at this moment, among other blessings from above to my family and me, it is that my uncle survived that terrible accident.

Though, this is a very difficult moment for him and my extended family in general I believe we shall overcome this very huddle.

There is one thing about a grateful heart, no matter how things get, there is still one or more things to be grateful for in our lives, and the moment we learn how to focus on that, even a difficult situation can seem easy. And gradually things have a way of falling into the right place the moment we learn to stop focusing on the negative side. A grateful heart is a happy heart🥰

This is my participation in the #hiveghana weekly engagement topic, talking about something very important I am grateful for this moment.

Thank you so much for reading my story, do have a great time at your end.


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