Almost all of us, if not all find ourselves on one social media platform or the other. A lot of things go on on the internet and as we all know, some of these things are just for fame. In your point of view, should people be judged by their social media profiles?

Social media is the surest means through which a person can place his or her standard above or below who he/she really is, and that is the problem. Even with all of it's tremendous benefits, social media could be extremely harmful. In my own opinion, social media is an electronic world, one that is no different from that of the normal world. What ever then is possible in the normal world is by implication possible on social media.


The most scary thing about social media is probably the fact that it is a world for all. No restrictions, no regulation and no screening of any kind. Everyone is at liberty to do whatever he or she fills like, and that is the problem. Just like the normal world, social media do not discriminate. Everyone is allowed. Though we cannot dispute the benefits that comes along with this indiscriminating characteristic of social media, but the harmful effect is really alarming. Thus, even though it seems like it is all safe, social media is for me a place one should trade with caution.


As humans we can only judge by what we see, and most times social media bring so much information about users to visibility. That notwithstanding, these information cannot always be true. In fact, they are in most cases false. Given the nature of social media, users are at liberty to make available the perfect information they deem fit to the world. In other word, information about users that are being provided on social media are well filtered information. By implication, a user can only bring to being what he or she deems fit to the social media world. To understand the social media better, it is of great importance that one consider social media as an entire on it's own. Just like impersonation, faking of personality and other criminal attitude are possible in the real world, they are also possible on social media; they are in fact more possible. Thus, even though we can only judge by what we see as humans, it is of great importance that we recognise the fact that most of our judgement could be false. Many users if not most are either falsely represented or not real at all; that for me makes social media a very scary place, a place all users should trade with caution. ei_1704442721413-removebg-preview.png
Social media is no doubt very beautiful, but we cannot exempt the fact that it is not absolutely good. That along makes it a place to be very careful about. In the real sense, social media profile should completely represent an individual, but that certainly is not always the case. Given then that people can choose to misrepresent themselves on social media, we can as well pass false judgement on them given the information they have provided about themselves. If that be the case, it follows then that our judgement about people with regards to the information they provide about themselves on social media could be false in most cases.

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