If I had A Talk Show

We often don't get to have answers to most of the questions that linger in our heart and sometimes we wish we can have access to the secret behind the motivation of certain great men who did great inventions and deeds. Men like Thomas Edison who failed several times but didn't give up, instead he saw his failures as bedrock to his success. Men like Nelson Mandela , a black man who stood alone to fight apartheid and wasn't discouraged by the pain and suffering he went through. Such men saw something that no one did and this is worth learning.

If I had a talk show, I'd invite men like Thomas Edison, men who had gone through rejection and failure but stood strong, men who know pain but beat their body to endure it, men who understand what it takes to see beyond failure no matter the number of times it surfaces. Among other great men, people I have admired the most are people who didn't allow failure to break them. Men who saw rejection as a myth when others saw it as a thing of reality. If I was to interview Thomas Edison, I have a few questions I would love to ask him in my show with the hope that it would strengthen someone who's at the verge of giving up.

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One of the few questions I'll ask is: What Motivated you to continue even when you had such a number of failures?. In the past I have tried a few things, but I gave up in my first two trials. Most times my faith doesn't carry me through and I find myself giving up , not finding a thing to motivate me to keep striving. I believe there's something unique about his dream that kept his spirit alive until he was able to achieve it.

Another question I'll ask him is: How did you know making the electric bulb was possible?. It's one thing to start an invention, it's another to have faith in it and it's another to believe it's possible. So I'll want to know what made him believe such a new invention was possible even when he failed 99 times. It has been one of the intriguing stories I have heard and I became more interested in his personality when at the end of his failure he said he only learned 99 ways that don't work.

The one reason why I'll want a talk show with Thomas Edison is to give hope to the fade in spirit.

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