A Day To Live

Splendid evening to everyone. It's really a wonderful weekend already. I'm so excited about my own thoughts concerning the topic of just 24 hours to live.

When I saw this topic I have been thinking of what I will probably do if I have just to live seriously. This has kept me thinking for now. Because I never thought of having a limited time to live on Earth know everyone we never thought that there will be a time where we will have limited time to live on earth that why we keep postponing the things we are ought to do today till tomorrow, how I wish we could number our days to apply our hearts to wisdom.


While thinking about the answer it was also a time for me to reflect and rethink about my life, what if this is really happening what will I do before leaving. Hmm in as much as nobody wants to leave soon but what if.

Have fun

Well since I will be leaving the Earth, I don't know what the other world will look like, so my last wish on earth is to have fun, having my family members with on a family date, we will have our family favorite meal, favorite song and dance together, then go for a movie watch at the cinema, listen to story from my grandma take some good pictures to create that last memories of every moment that day, I will tell them very secrets of my life that's and let them know that I have limited time to leave them, make them comfortable so as not to miss me too much and even if they will not by crying I don't like seeing my family members crying, so I will try my best to comfort them before I leave.

I will then have fun with my lover as the last thing to do, 😂😂 I don't know if there will be love in the next world so I will want to have the last hug and kiss from him, cry sometimes because I will definitely miss me and share some good time before leaving. I will make him promise me that we will still become lovers if there is another world after life and that will be my last wish.

This is my entry for this week contest edition of the #hiveghana initiative.

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