Forgiveness: Yea or Nay

Looking at the contests for this week, I decided to go for FORGIVENESS. It is a term we very used to both in The Secular world and The Spiritual world,
When we forgive, it means we are letting go of pain, bitterness and aches that abide in us towards someone or something or ourselves. Towards someone indicates, when someone did an act that does not fit with our acceptable behaviors, and Toward something indicates a place or event that triggers negative memories or emotions in us. Towards ourselves refers to when we keep blaming ourselves for what happened.


Forgiveness helps us to be emotionally balanced and helps us to live a healthy life because the moment we start nursing grudges and pain. It affects a lot than we can ever imagine.

I recall, when I was in primary school, primary 3, third term to be precise. I had a disagreement with my best friend and decided not to communicate with her again. Being in the same class worsened it, anytime I see her, I’m always displeased.

Little did I know that this was actually having effects on my academic. I was one of the best 3 in my class then, but at the end of the term I came out with 5th position. It would have been worse, assuming my first and second term results were not good. To get the result for the third term, the three terms would be added together. That year I didn’t get any gift during the ‘end of the year party’, It was very painful. Although I was still young then. I learned a very great lesson (FORGIVENESS)

Forgiving is a process. We don’t just wake overnight and decide to forgive. We need to come to terms with ourselves and believe it is nobody’s fault, time, and chance happens to us all. Everything happens for a reason and for a purpose, and we must be positive about that purpose. It is hard, but it is attainable. Giving excuses and positive reasons for the actions will reduce the pain that accompanied


Unknown to many, not forgiving has made them lose numerous opportunities, husbands, wives, some friends, and other relatives. I have heard countless people saying “Forgiving will not erase the memories” but the good news is that it can erase the pain that that accompanied the memories.

There is a popular saying “Forgive and Forget” Forget there doesn’t mean you no longer remember, but that you have learned from it and move on. No more regrets and pain. The only time you refer to it, is just to encourage others, you no longer nurse any bitterness towards yourself or the person.

As the saying goes, “experience is the best teacher” Have learned to easily let go of bitterness at a tender age. You, too, can do it. If you actually want to do it because there is always a consequence. I will drop the pen with this quote.

“If I develop bad feelings toward those who make me suffer, this will only destroy my peace of mind. But if I forgive, my mind becomes calm.”

Dalai Lama

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Grateful Heart ♥️

Note: Images are from my gallery.🫠

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