Water and Exercise is the best Medicine to Long Life

Am I the only one who noticed that people no longer last till the age of 100 before they die compared to our forefathers that last 100 plus and some of them are still alive now.


This is because of the life they lived, they were not consuming harmful substances like this Gen Z era, In fact, it is by grace that you will see any of this Gen Z world that will use up to 90 years in life.

Most of the guys reduce their lifespan by taking drugs to enhance their sex life, you will see them taking so many harmful mixtures like Jekonmo, coco samba, and energy drinks just to impress girls during sex, those things work but the damage they do to the body is more than the mins/hours of enjoyment they offered... The damage they do to the organs in the body results in youth having organ failure.

Before you judge, am coming for you too, yes you used to drink 3 bottles of soft drinks daily, sweet things indeed kill, you are also not safe because those Pepsi and coke you are taking are injurious to your health, Just imagine your sugar consumption which could lead to diabetes, I have a friend who was used to taking Soda and that made him have belly fat, fortunately, he was later able to get rid of the addiction but the damage has been done.... Those soft drinks are harmful to our bodies. Even though we can't stop taking them, we should not take an excess of them. Once or twice a week is okay rather than consuming 10 bottles in a week, you are dying slowly my brother/sister.


Most of the problems people have can be cured by drinking water and exercising but people do not realize this... No matter how comfortable your life is, do not get too comfortable sitting and laying in bed all day, you are killing yourself, your body needs exercise, if it is an hour you can sacrifice for that daily, do it! if you can't do it alone, hit the gym and you will be motivated by others you see there.

There are many benefits linked to doing exercise, it reduces obesity as it helps you to burn calories and excess fat in your body, it also helps you to sleep well, it strengthens your muscles, and there are some hormones produced during exercise that boost your energy...

Our forefathers's vocation didn't give them a chance to be lazy, that is an exercise on its own and that is why their bodies are so strong unlike this generation some people have the privilege to work from home which makes them lazy.

Health is Wealth, take care of yourself so you can enjoy the money and luxury you worked hard to get.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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