Respect isn't how people address you but how they treat you

Being someone who likes and spends more time with children, people very close to me would say I act like a kid, I guess that is because since 13 years ago, I have had more relationships with younger people than an adult, I spent 8 years teaching pupils and also my street bro and sis were much younger than me and I was closer to them than any adult. Till now I have people much younger than me as friends and I feel so comfortable with them I don't even know my age mate again and when I see my age mate, I feel I am younger than them.


In the school that I am at the moment, I realized that 95 percent of the students' age bracket is between 18 and 25 and we even have some that are 17 years of age, it does not bother me and I relate with some of them well, I even act like that is my age bracket and I was accepted lol, well some of them kinda know this guy is not their age mate and they try to be respectful which is fine, I have 3 guys am very close to that you would always see me with most times, one of them is 22 and we lived close to each other, so sometimes we even meet up after school to do other stuff, there was a time we register and go to the gym together.

During my Nd 1 program, there was a particular girl with whom we vibed well as friends, but things changed a bit when she asked me to be her mentor on Web3. Before that time, we played in school but had no personal discussions. But since the moment I agreed to be her mentor and we chatted more, personal discussions entered the conversations, and she realized the age gap, and that was how she switched it up from being my friend to me being her older brother...

Most people in my age gap would not want to have anything to do with them, especially the playful part because they realized it could lead to disrespect and name calling but as for me, name calling is the least of my worries, it is just a name! but I also have where I draw the line...


One thing I do not tolerate is being disrespected or talked to anyhow by them, yea we vibe and play a lot, if people see us together, they think we are age mates, but amidst the teasing and play, I can still sense their respect from the way they talk and that is what makes us cool, I still won't allow most of them to talk to me anyhow apart from those that are really very close to me and that is because I see all they do as play, I like to play a lot as well and the only way we can all enjoy each other company is not to put a line or else things will just get awkward but that is only for like 2 to 3 people, I won't let others relate with me that way cos they might not know when to draw the line.

I also believe respect is reciprocal and we should treat people the same way we want to be treated, some people see adulthood as a right to bully or address the young ones in impolite ways which is totally wrong.... Something happened among the neighbors in the house where I live, we have a group chat for discussions about the services we paid for in the house like electricity and water bills so there was a time we figured out that the man in charge of it was being sneaky and I am someone that hates being fooled, so I called him out in a respectful way, there is this lady in the same house, we greet each other well and I guess she would be older than me, am not sure because looks can be deceiving but I do respect her, on that day I called the man out, she was the one attacking me indirectly which didn't go well with me but I didn't say much because only dogs bark online...

We called an offline meeting and that was when I called her out as well and told her to calm down with the rubbish she was doing in the group, it almost turned physical but the others calmed the situation and I let it go, well she got the message and since then, she stops acting like my elder sister or mum, she learned her lesson that because someone respected you does not mean you should disrespect them.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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