Life is not a bed of roses; an adage says.
My journey through adulthood embrace this adage

Hi everyone @hiveghana, special greetings to our tireless admin. Happy Easter and good Friday to all Christians.

Adulthood is transition from childhood to adult.
I won't say I wish I didn't grow up, growth is very important for every living thing and we have to embrace it. I'm thankful for life.

Adulthood comes with responsibilities, bills, career, stress, relationship and lots more. As an adult you have to learn how to manage your time appropriately, and also manage your physical, mental and social health.

Adulthood comes with challenges, you have to be strong and resolute to overcome the challenges it brings and also be able to adapt to changes.

You have to always strike a balance between work, carreer, aspirations, bills, etc .
Societal pressure and family expected can make adulthood very hard for an individual, and as a responsible adult you have to make significant choices .

As an adult you do not depend on your parents, family or even friends to do everything for you, you have to discover who you are, what you can do, and what you can't. You have to always take a stand for yourself and also have your own point of view.

For many of us adulthood is difficult, especially when you do not have a support.

The responsibilities that comes with adulthood makes it a hard one for me.

As an adult I have to fend for myself, and not just me, other members of the family, care for parents and also support my siblings.
I have to work hard, I need all the strength to be strong and resolute. Time management is a priority, so being a responsible adult you have to always manage your leisure and work. Be also able to manage stress, finance and resources, accept disappointment, conquer fears, pay bills etc.

Adulthood is not only about paying bills and going to work; As an adult your contribution is alway needed materially, economically, financially, socially and otherwise. There are things you must contribute to your family, and the society at large. This responsibilities makes adulthood hard for me.


As written earlier, life is never a bed of roses, it comes with challenges. As an adult managing bills and saving for the future is a hard one for me.
Paying of rent, utilities, recurring expenses and lots more. Some months I do not have savings because of expenses, unexpected bills can opt in and I spend almost all the money.

I know I can overcome this by setting financial goals and staying committed to a financial plan. I have to also adjust my expenses.

Every adult needs a support system it might be family, partner, friends etc ; a good support system will make life less difficult.

Out of your busy schedule, create chance for self care, manage your physical, mental and social health.

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