If I weren't afraid.

Greetings everyone and compliments of the season!

"Fear is a destroyer and a killer of dreams, you don't need to be afraid bro!" I blurted out to my cousin Andy, who was trying to escape being caught by a black feathered turkey at the backyard. I guess the turkey was jealous of his black and red polo top and wanted to scratch it off him not minding that he was it's master.

I became a heroine as I shooed the turkey away with a stick. Finally, tired of the merry go round, the turkey left us in peace, howbeit with a hint of victory in it's steps.

"So, are you saying that you're not afraid of anything?" Andy turned to me and asked mockingly. "I never said that! Don't turn the tables on me, I wasn't the one scared of a turkey a while ago!" I replied with the same venom of mockery.

After some minutes of intense glares flying daringly between us, our better judgement kicked in and we relaxed. *Alright sis, tell me something, what would you do if you weren't afraid of anything in the world?" He suddenly asked as we walked back inside the house.

"But you know that's not possible, all humans have an element of fear in them. It helps us to stay cautious and away from danger. Haven't you been taught on adrenaline rush in Biology?" I replied while poking his forehead with my pointer finger. "Come on sis, don't spoil the fun, just tell me three things you would do if you never had to fear?" He continued to pester me while using my bed as a bouncing castle. Such a baby (eye roll).

Not knowing how else to boycott the question, I thought for some few minutes before finally deciding to give an answer to his question.

If I was not afraid of anything, the first thing I would do is...


I am scared of heights, I think it's called acrophobia. I can't even look down from a two storey building but I always feel excited whenever I watch movies and I see the actors jumping off a plane without a care in the world. It's exciting to watch and I have secretly wished I could do it, you know, just spread out my arms, allowing the wind to embrace me like a warm blanket as I soar like an eagle but deep down, my fear of heights holds me captive.


photo by Otra Ruta from pexels


I like water, the sea and oceans but this likeness ends with me on the shore safely observing the aesthetic beauty they display. I have never dared to travel by water, surf or scuba dive. I have a phobia for large water bodies (thalassophobia) and it intensified with watching movies like deep blue sea oddysey and the likes. I can't help but think that a shark would tear me to pieces once I fall into the ocean, hahaha. Watching movies and programs in which these activities are acted out causes a longing deep within me. To be able to enjoy the power of water and be one with the sea just like Poseidon, that would be great, then maybe I can be called aqua girl 😁


photo by Duren Williams


Finally, the last thing I would do if I was not afraid is fly a plane. I fancy pilots a lot. Being able to navigate the air with accurate precision carrying passengers from one destination to another is surreal. I know there are lots of trainings involved but I don't know if I would make an average score that would qualify me to fly a plane. This fear stems from planes being hijacked by terrorists, snakes on a plane, engine failure while the plane is thousands of miles above sea level and all that. I just don't think I would be able to handle a gun to my head while flying a plane. Without all these fears, I would fly so high that eagles will be envious of my altitude.


photo by Matheus Bertelli

"So here you have it bro, these are the three things that I would do if I weren't afraid, are you happy now?" I spoke in one breath. He looked at me like I had grown two heads and a shark tail, smiled and patted my head and said nice one, before exiting my room.

"Wierdo" I muttered. "I heard that" he yelled" still walking out. Chucking secretly, I could not help but wonder as this quote came to mind..

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear_ Nelson Mandela.

"Only time will tell" I thought smiling.

This is my response to the #hiveghanaweeklyengagement #30.

Thank you all for reading.


Leaving people better than you met them is Living...Becky🤗
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