The Power It Holds.

As humans, the more we grow in life, the more we want to acquire more. This is why the rich still want more. We all want to achieve something in life. Something we will be proud of. This is how I feel in the musical world. The aim is to achieve more.

The world of music is enchanting no doubt, and one's tribe, religion, or country can not control one's emotion to stand still when it comes to musical influences. They are hard to resist. It is just like adding spices to food. They call on to you and hold you with the charm in them. And, I haven't met anyone that can stand still for hours when the sound of music is heard.


Music is part of us. It is one thing among others our creator bestowed unto us. Even before the invention of musical instruments, the sound of nature has always worked magic to the heart of its listeners. The sea movement, the way the trees move, the chirping sound of birds in the sky, and more. Nature gave it all.

Our ancestors mimicked nature sounds and created sounds with their feet, their mouth, hitting things together, and so much more. They did this and brought music to life. The sound of music is exciting to the heart.

This is why music is a universal language spoken and understood by its listeners. You can feel the emotions the singer puts into the music while listening. It is just superb. Sensing someone else's emotion and understanding the impact they have in your life can't be studied.

...and, if I am to choose a musical instrument to fill my world, that will be the piano. I don't know if I had a deal in my other life to love this instrument so much because I just can't explain how I feel when I listen to it. It is like it brings my spiritual being to light as I transcend to heaven.

Every moment I hear the sound, It always invites me like a lover does to his beloved. The beauty it makes me see whenever each thumb hits the chord is sensational. Unbelievably perfect! That's how it is.

I would love to know everything that has to do with the piano and learn to play it someday. It is on my bucket list to make this happen. I have to because it is one thing I crave deeply when it comes to the musical world. Just the thought of touching it alone makes my heart run wild. It is exceptionally perfect for my soul that I feel if it were human, I would love it with everything I have got on Earth.

The power musical instrument holds on me is unbelievable. I have fallen in love tons of times whenever I hear someone playing them. It brings the feeling of satisfaction, which is superb to me.

Therefore, following the HiveGhana Community Contest for this week. Piano will always be one musical instrument I'll love to learn and never get tired of listening to as long as I live.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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