It Is Just Complicated.


You'd think being a child is somewhat fun because we get to do things and just have our parents talk to us about it. But, it isn't like that being from an African home. Most things you do require beating that your parents even beat you when they see a friend of yours do something not nice.

They'd say, "The day you try that nonesense with me ehnnn," while stylishly beating you. Hehe, but that didn't stop me from cultivating some bad habits.

Growing up, we have those habits that we pick up from what people around us do and those that our ancestors whisper to our ears whenever they feel the need to upgrade our attitudes. And, so, like every other human, I have some habits that I know are bad, but...Hehe, I am just like that. I like them. I'd like to explain more about some of them, which you might find weird, are kinda complicated.

Though, there are some habits that I outgrew because as a big girl, then in high school, you are not meant to do those things because you have your juniors looking at you. However, there are some habits that are stuck, and one of them is what I'll be explaining today.

We all know this, and it is a common knowledge the posture to take while eating, and I know this, but where's the fun in following everything taught to the tee? Hehe. Although biology states this is wrong because according to scientists, when the food we eat passes the wrong tube, it can lead to some dangerous things, but then... I like the word, "Danger", sometimes. It seems like my body and soul call out to it and embrace it.

I don't know when these habits started, but let's say it started at a younger age. I used to be very sick while growing up , and it got very scary. Whenever I am sick, food is mostly poisonous to me as just the smell of them make me puke. However, there's one meal I find it hard to say No to which is plantain and because I am sick, I always get the breakfast on bed treatment and sometimes I find it hard to sit well and eat so I just lay there and pick the food to eat.


I know it is wrong and that it can cause choking and all other things. I know this, but it is a habit I am comfortable with that I find myself doing the same till now, especially when I am watching a movie and holding my phone up. The next thing is to sleep like that and eat whatever food I cook while watching the movie . My Mom doesn't like it, but we are not together, so...

Well, you can say adulthood as it miracles, lol. But, it is something I'd like to stop as having a kid and doing such a thing is bad, so I have been working on it, though I find it hard to disobey my ancestors.

However, if I have the chance to change this habit, a big part of me want to because the day doing such will affect me, it won't be funny. I hope I don't choke to death. Though, some other part of me would like not to change a thing about it.

Also, I can't really say whether this habit has impacted me positively or negatively because though it is wrong, it is something that just makes me happy. I know, right? It is just complicated.

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Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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