My Favourite Quote

I was reading a book known as The 360° Leader and came across a quote which immediately changed my perspective on how I view things. It reads, "We often become so focused on our dreams and goals that we lose sight of the responsibilities in front of us".


I was watching a movie titled "God Friended Me"just yesterday and there was this man whose marriage and home was falling apart because he spent too much time at work, shirking his responsibilities to his wife and home. His excuse was that he was trying to land a great project to save his name in the city. That was his main objective and hence, he had to put everything including his wife and home on standstill to get to that.

Most often at times, we act like this man; we are so focused on our goals that we put aside the little things we are supposed to take care of. We focus on the future and forget about the present. Right from childhood, we are advised by teachers and leaders and even parents to have great goals and ambitions, to soar higher, to have the sky as our limit, and sometimes our starting point.

However, hardly do these advisors talk about responsibilities. The word is often not heard as much as goals and ambitions; but it is important if not more important than goals and ambitions.
Responsibilities do not go away; they just change sometimes. No matter how old you are or how successful you are, these little things called responsibilities are not going to go away. Whoever you are; young man, young woman, wife, child, husband, father. CEO, president, you have responsibilities to take care of and it's about time you realize that.

There are tasks you have to accomplish aside from your occupation and the earlier you get to understand that you are supposed to take care of that, the better. It can be sometimes confusing especially in the world today where you don't know who what is and what who is, but you've still got to figure it out and attend to them.
Having goals is great and important but responsibilities are a must. Let us not lose sight of our responsibilities in the name of achieving our goals and wanting to be successful.

Thanks for reading

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