Pittu Garam: My Favorite Childhood Game

Childhood is the best part of life with no worries and most of time we spent in playing. For me, my childhood period was only 10 years of my life. As I passed the primary I felt myself now am no more child so no more playing.
Am going to 25 years old in next month. So my childhood period was from 2000 to 2010. At that time the Mobile phones were not much common also I watched television only on night. So my most of the time spent in playing with my brothers.
According to my family I was really naughty childern who's never compromised on playing, even my mother said she didn't beat any childern except me. She said every task from where I stopped you did it and irritated me.
First few years of my life I preferred to play in home by playing with my dolls, bicycles and other toys, also I l played cricket with my brothers.

As the time passed I learnt to play some other desi games like panjal gheetha (panjal gheetha is the game which we played with five little stones and was famous in the villages of Pakistan).

shapto (This game was also famous in mine village at that time in which we draw four box on the floor with chalk and play with a little stone block). Both these games I love to played them but also i had the fear of loosing these games. For playing these games we need the girl's partner so I gone to my big Aunt's home for playing these games with my cousins. My cousins were really expert in these games and all time she made me looser😂. That's why I preferred to play these games alone in home and made myself winner🤣. But my mother irritated from my this habit also.

After These Games I Was Getting Introduced With Pittu Garam:

I was in class 3 when a new game Pittu Garam was famous among my school friends and childern of my village. In Pittu Garam, the main thing we used to play is seven little stone blocks and a small rubber ball which we used to play cricket also.

For this game we all friends divided into two teams first. The team who choose to play first was hit the stone with the ball and try to fall the ball so far place the second team need to bring the ball and hit the opponent before arranging the stones at it's previous place.
The trying of catching the ball earlier and arranging the block before the opponent hit with the ball keep everyone in the game active and excited. We laughed a lot while playing this game . Also I didn't loose in the game alone, my friends were also with me🤣.
I played this game a lot both in my school and home. For this game even I started to going into the fields, because the childern of my street played together there, my mother beaten me several times for this habit🤩. But I never stopped playing it, until my passion for this game was not dead.

Closing Thoughts:

If I compared my life with my little cousins and sister, I feel that me and my brothers spent a really good games in playing different types of outdoor games. Childern of today missed several things which we did in our childhood. Not only this Pittu Garam , I played several other games also like hide and seek, Baraf Pani, Oonch Neechy (Up and Down) . But Pittu Garam is the bestest one, wanna play it with my childhood friends again😪.

Thanks For Reading.....!

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All pictures are clicked by me.

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