Are you happy in life? Do you think you are a happy person..? Hello wonderful peoples of the hive Ghana community I hope everyone is doing well by grace. Today is a beautiful day to be happy. So today let look at what happiness is, how can we create happiness and the benefits of being happy.


Life has its ups and downs. In this life it's not always sweet as we want it to be that's why it's called LIFE. But do we have to let life and its struggles sabotage our happiness? No way. As an individual you joy and happiness should come form within. Free you mind off certain things that burdens you.


Happiness is a state of the mind to embrace good things experessed through emotions. Happiness should always come from within. Being a happy person start with you as an individual. Simply avoid negative this that steals you joy, avoid bad companies and be around people who match your energy.

For me I choose happiness always oooo.. I do not settle for negative vibes I always surround myself with people who make me happy. I most of the time visit places to call all my nerves down for my inner joy and comfort. That's so therapeutic for my mental, emotional and physical well being. Happiness can take away certain diseases like heart realated condition because every time you heart becomes filled with good energy and not bad ones that can construct the heart vessels 🤣🤩🤩🤩


Happy yourself ooo my lovely people you can't kill yourself, just choose you right kind of happiness and you will smile always🤩🤩

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