Going away with three things in case of a natural disaster.

Hello everyone

I hope everyone is doing fine here and will be ready to welcome me here. Lol. This is my first time appearing here in hiveghana taking a part in this weekly engagement. There are some topics provided and we have to choose, so i decided to got with

What are the three things i am going to grab first in case of a natural disaster

Natural disasters are something which can cause heavy destruction and pray they never find you. I have faced some such situations in my life but they were only slight. It was a moment when fire caught our neighbour's house and also have sighted some earthquakes. But thank God none of them was big enough to harm me or my family or any other person

But here we are going to talk about a situation when natural disaster catches up and i have to grab three things with me before getting to a safe place or migration or whatever you call

My mobile phone

Well, many of you know that this thing is the first priority to carry with because it contains everything. Everything means everything, your documents, your important pictures, your memories, your contacts, your accounts and now the most important thing is my hive account and all stuff related to hive is in my mobile. So, i will be grabbing my mobile phone at first

My wallet

This is the second thing i am going to have a hand on. This wallet includes many things which are really important to me like my national ID card, my university card, my foreign currency notes which i am fond of collecting and also some other important stuff of mine

My keys

The last and the third option i will be going with is my keys. I can never forget them because they are the key to everything. My cupboard key, my room key, my bike key, my safe locks key, they all are hanged in a single keychain. That is why i will also choose them with my phone and wallet

This was my choice of three things i will be having a hand on in case of a natural disaster. These are the most important things for me in case of a disaster. I have provided with the best logics to carry them with me. If you people got any further thoughts or opinions, my comment section is always open

Well, this was all from my side.



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