

3:35pm, Monday August the 14th, I have closed from work and my friends and I are walking to the roadside, to board the 1st car of the two we would take home. Our normal chit chat, jokes and fun talks weren't unmissable. Our chats took on a swift turn to all that glitters is not gold concept.

Then it hit me,my poetic mind hanged on that piece and gave me this outcome.
Here goes;

Masked, unmasked. Cloaked, unveiled. Shades baring hidden colors in full glare of all. Ugliness musked by the pleasant aroma of beauty, leaving trails of untraced deception in its wake. So look, but don't see to be deceived. Everything is but a facade, in the end!,
colors fade
cups overflow
Identities revealed and true nature released...



True representation of life and people is not only shown by the outward nature.

Remember Life is not perfect, don't put too much expectation on certain things and beat yourself down to a pulp. Trust but do not be blinded for it to cloud your judgement. Not everything that meets the eye is exactly as it is. Don't be envious of others success story in life, let it rather motivate you. You do not know how they got there.

Some, inspite of their achievements, do not get the happiness they require.
Many put on smiles which hide the pains in them, there are those who also live pretentious life.

Be enough for you and be your own competitor. Remember , all we do , good or bad would be revealed by our accountability.
Life is but a facade

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