“Till Poverty Do Us Apart”


When I was going to the university, my uncle told me so many times the caliber of “husband” to bring home if I ever think of bringing a husband home. Let me tell you something, I was barely 18 years. So imagine a 17 year old girl going to the University with this mindset. If I should count the number of times he reminded me of this husband requirement list, let me see…one, two, three, thousand. Someone will think I’m joking but I’m not. He told me so many times that I should end up with a financially successful man that can take care of me and my future kids.

In Senior High School, our teachers told us to learn hard and get into university. Study well and graduate with good class to attract successful and responsible men. So with what my uncle said and what I was told in school, I was ready to kill every examination paper. I had to get a good class to get a good and rich husband. I studied and did all that I was supposed to do, but look at me now, more single than pringles.(I don’t even know what that statement means but I hear people say it a lot)

Let’s get to the interesting part. It got to a time, somewhere after university, I wanted to introduce a “boyfriend” to my mom because my whole family wanted to know who my boyfriend was. Meanwhile, whiles I was in school, all the boys were my brothers( I brother zoned all of them). I simply wanted to get a good class to get a good husband but I didn’t know all those “brothers” were potential husbands. The kind of pressure that some of my friends have used to enter marriages, I can hit my chest three times and say they didn’t marry out of love. They probably had an uncle like mine who advised them to come home with rich husband.

Oh and with where the world is going, what’s more satisfying for a Gen Z than a vacation trip to Dubai or Singapore, or even Bali. All Gen Zs want rich husbands after all, no matter how much they love each other in the marriage, it’s not 2 slices of love they’ll have for breakfast. Gone are the days where both couple work to raise the family. Now, a woman will say her money is just hers but her husband’s money is for both of them. These days, the slightest thing happens in a marriage and either the man starts sleeping somewhere else or the woman packs to her mother’s house.

It’s even worse if the husband loses his job. The moment the marriage faces financial crises, it automatically comes to an end. You think if that’s what our parents did, they would have been together for 40 years plus? Honestly, I just blame social media. Imagine someone saying she doesn’t believe in love so she’ll marry for money just because her favorite social media couple broke up.(Well done madam, so your parents who have been together for 20 years look like a joke to you right?)

Anyway, for me I genuinely think apart from peer and social media influence that would make a woman marry for money instead of love,the family of the woman is also a great factor. Imagine if I took my uncle’s advice in level 100, I definitely would have made it a priority to look for one rich man and love wouldn’t even be a factor in the marriage, after all that’s not even what I was looking for in the first place.

All Images Are Mine

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