The P In Abenad Stands For Patience

If you know me very well you will I laugh a lot. I could laugh from morning till evening. It wasn’t always like this, it took me a long journey to get here. You know how they say anger can be inherited blah blah? Yeah, I’ve been told severely I took after my grandpa’s anger and I hate it because why would I take after his anger instead mansions or lands? My grandpa had what I call “sweet anger”.

He would be so angry at something and you’d see him smiling and laughing but in his mind, it’s more like “you’ll hear from me soon” and that’s a whole lot. Over the years, I realized it’s the same with me. If you ever see me frowning then I promise you that I had to rehearse over 5 times in the mirror before showing that facial impression.

Most of the times, no matter how angry I am, I would just be laughing about it but then, I would be finding ways to avenge. Not small serious planning and plotting most times. Eventually, I realized it was really not good at all to be planning such things at a young age.

So instead of planning physical revenge, I would just lock you in a condemn cell in my mind where you’ll be executed. This made me cultivate a habit of saying sorry even when I’m not at fault. My friends would normally say ahh you’re always saying sorry even when you did nothing. My dear friend, I know what I’m doing to you in my imaginative world so if I were you, I would probably just accept that apology quietly and go.

There was this day I had to play Mortal Kombat with my brother and he made his friend play with him instead. The most annoying part was that, they were so happy, laughing and shouting. I was so angry. I went to the kitchen, got a fork and jailed them. How did I do that? I brought the fork closer to my eye and looked through with one eye and just like that they were in prison. I know I know, I was naive but I still do it in my head though.

The only thing I got from planning my revenge on someone for offending me was always being tired. I’m not sure if anyone has observed this but being angry is just exhausting. Your heart will be beating without you even doing any tedious work. Ah what sort of life is that? Instead of putting myself through that stress, I eventually started jailing people. Great part is the jail is just 2 minutes, after you serve your time, you leave.

It might sound funny but this is what have kept me myself from jail. Normally, I would have acquired a gun to do justice to all those who offend me because as I said, the P in my name stands for Patience and I know even if I give you the whole day, you won’t find any p there.

Images are mine

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