It’s Lunch time in Ticheli

Lunchtime at Ticheli School is not just a routine breakin the day. The sound of laughing and conversation fills the school corridors as the midday bell rings, announcing the eagerly awaited lunch hour.

Freshly prepared meal is been served to the students with a good aroma. This is when students form a long queue, anticipating what treats are in store.

As the pupils gather around tables, the atmosphere buzzes with excitement and camaraderie. Friendships are forged over shared meals, and conversations flow freely as they exchange stories from their morning classes and discuss plans for the afternoon.

But it's not just the food that brings joy to lunchtime at Ticheli School. it's the sense of belonging and inclusivity that permeates the air. Teachers and staff join the pupils, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. Everyone is encouraged to express themselves and share their thoughts and experiences, creating an environment where every voice is heard and valued.

lunchtime at Ticheli School is more than just a meal; it's a celebration of togetherness, happiness, and growth. Through delicious food, meaningful connections, and a nurturing environment, pupils not only satisfy their hunger but also nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits.

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