The next six months…

This year brought about different emotions. I can't really say how exactly the year has been but all i could do is remain grateful for everything so far.

So far so good, life has been so cruel to people in some unexpected ways. I got my own part of it. And it has also been so amazing to some people that I also got my own share of it too.

The beginning of the year started with a big loss on my business. Should I have taken that bad luck? But no I didn’t. I thought I should rather be the type that grows and learns from my mistakes. Instead of getting down from it, I decided to stand again.

That happened in the month of January. It's an experience I can't forget. But come February and i got good news. What was the news all about. My sister happened to finish her service year towards the end of last year. She tried job hunting for some time. And at the end of it all she got a job four months after. Which happen to be in the month of February this year. I wished her well and all of the best in her job.

Come March, where I had to stand up again from the fall I had in January. I got another set of fish production and started my expenses all over again. It was so obvious that I was struggling so much to make sure I didn't fail. That same time was when we kicked off with our fasting. And the fasting period lasted till April. It was an annual event so I really made sure to get the best out of it.

March! Was over! And I realized I have finished my Q1 of the year. Talking about my plans for the Q1 nothing really came to pass. Instead i falled in place of getting a pass.

The the beginning of the Q2 started April. I was still on my striving ground to make sure thing fall in place without getting to give up on my dreams. I guess the dreams were just way bigger and I might have imagined and envisioned too much that I can take for a few periods of time.

Yeah the month of April came by with its challenges. But I was glad to have scaled through despite the hurdles.

May! Happy to be in May. And that’s because of two reasons. It was my birth month so I was happy to have another year added to my life. But a year minus the ones I have to spend in life. Despite that, I have to be grateful for life.

May is also the month when I have a year anniversary of starting up my business. I am still a novice at it. But i am glad for a year of progress and achievements. I wasn’t where I started rather I am where I imagined to be.

My brother also got a new job this very month too. It was a pleasure to wish him well. Though his absence was felt. But that’s still so nice. Then the month of June! Everything seemed to sound good at the beginning. But June has the award for the month I have been so broke this year. Yet i remain grateful.

The next half of the year.

Six months left for the year to run to an end. I also have a lot of plans to put in place. Though at times I get scared of how all of these plans will come to pass. But I strongly believe that i can do better too.

Image from Pixabay;


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