A Career Path…

If we are all asked what our dream job was when we were younger, there is no doubt that it will be quite different from what we are doing presently. Back then I didn't even like the teaching job at all. But in the long run I later found myself as a teacher at some point of my life.

Despite the fact that I don't like the job, I had to adjust my ways and try to fit in for the job. I created and built my passion around the job. For about two to three years I remained a teacher.

While i was younger i have dreamed of career jobs that will give me a good life. I had anticipated jobs that would pay me better and also give me a better life than the one I was living and that of my parents. My views about life back then were so shallow. Yes, I had a dream job.

As time went on, I got to see more of life, things began to change and unfold. The path I thought and dreamed about became unclear to me. Then I realized there was a difference between the future and the present.

Presently, i have to get something to do to feed myself. I have to cater to my needs and pay some bills. I just can't remain standby. So most times this is what leads people to do whatever the job they find at a closer reach to them. I have a friend who was very interested in becoming a lecturer at the university.

He went to Islamic school and graduated with good grades. But after his studies he hunted for any job that could even be a stepping stone towards his career path. But after so much trial and effort. He ended up driving a shuttle bus to survive and live on.

That was the closest job offer for him at that point in time. But now he is presently driving as an uber driver. I guess he is already advancing on his path despite the fact that it's not any way close to his dream job.

Another close friend of mine who has been aspiring to be a poultry farmer from our days in the institution. We graduated and he tried his dream job for the first time. I don't know what went wrong, but I guessed he was so much at a loss. Then he switched his career path.

All of these are just instances of life and how life can be so multidimensional. There could be a flip at any point in time. It could come as a good turn over or it could even appear worse.

As for me, I have dreamed of becoming a livestock farmer since my childhood days. But that wasn’t something I wanted to do as a job or take it as my career. I just find myself attracted to nature. But as time went on I began to realize that my path is not just about becoming a livestock farmer. But a professional one.

I have taken it as my path and my present journey is just a stepping stone towards a better path ahead of me.

Image from Pixabay;


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