Here to learn Blender from scratch - Day 0

Here to learn Blender from scratch - THUMB.jpg

Hey Blender community!

Alex Rourke here! I've been a Hivean for a while now, since 2019. This is my very first post on what was the legacy chain back then:


I didn't really know how the platform worked back then and thought I was only going to post stuff from my recording studio. I soon realized that HIVE is much more about creating community and engaging with one another, much like you would with your neighbors or classmates, son in 2020 I decided to start posting from my personal perspective and not from my recording studio only, and I haven't stopped since.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 10.52.47 AM.png

I've made a bunch of walkthrough videos showing folks how to use tools like V4Vapp and Hive Keychain to pay for food and even beer, but my main focus has been on blogging about the ins and outs of being an entrepreneur in the creative industry. I produce music for myself and other clients, audio for advertising, audio books and video. On the video side of things I've been making ads, tutorials and product reviews, using only basic to medium level tools in Adobe Premiere, and After Effects. As our clients request more sophisticated animations, however, I've turned to Blender to start making these things happen.

This right here is my first attempt to make a 3d shape:
First Blender shapes.jpg

My intention to join the Blender community is to make walkthroughs, tutorials and maybe even post requests for help! Any one of these might be useful to others that are on the same path as me. Together we can improve our Blender skills.

I'm only getting started with Blender, so don't expect to get any super advanced walkthroughs just yet. But I also don't mind putting myself out there and looking like a noob.

I read this by Denzel Washington. I don't know who said it first

Embarrassment is the cost of entry. If you aren't willing to look like a foolish beginner, you'll never become a graceful master

So there you have it folks. Today is day zero. Tomorrow we start learning Blender.

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