Morning Run - Es regnet

I just finished a 8.608km running that lasted about 0hh:47mm:59ss !


That is German for "it is raining". Actually it was not raining when I set out on a cool morning, but it started once I was well under way. I wanted to do more intervals and went with my workout with six lots of 800m/200m reps.

I wanted somewhere flat and straight to do this and the track across the fields is ideal. That did mean getting past the kids on their way to Etonbury, but it was not too busy. They just seem oblivious to anyone else on the path and do not always get out of the way. The gravel track was nice and empty apart from a few dog walkers.

With the 800m sprints I aim to be under 5min/km and I managed that for most of them. I needed the recovery time between them and walked for a bit on one of those. The rain did not bother me too much, but my bare arms felt a little cold. I just had to keep pushing on. I turned around after the third sprint and found the wind was against me, but that was only for a short while before I turned a corner. It was on the way back that I was starting to struggle. I just gave it a push for the last sprint and then took it easy to get home.

As I came across the garden I picked a few raspberries. We are getting an extra crop even as the leaves are falling and I got a handful.

There is a Hive Running Club on Strava if you want to join us. It is just a bit of fun.

Run free and stay well.


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