Morning Run: parkrun 98, a damp one

steevc just finished a 7.5km run, that lasted for 60 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 541.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
I heard a little rain as I was waking up, but it was just slightly damp as I headed out after some breakfast. By the time I got to Henlow Bridge Lakes parkrun it was properly raining, but everyone seemed in good spirits. I did not see much point in waterproofs as it was not too cold. I was going to get wet anyway, so I was in my normal shorts and shirt.

There seemed to be a few people running there for the first time. We were warned that the mud patch was a little squelchy, but the course was not too bad. I was glad of my trail shoes as it might have been a bit slippery in road shoes.

This is the first time I have run in proper rain for a while and we have just had light showers on parkrun recently. It is not what I would really expect for mid-summer. I just put my head down and went for it. I just went straight through the small mud patch rather than trying to work around it.

There was some changes in position over the first lap, but then we settled down. I could hear someone behind me from their footsteps in the mud, but I did not look back. It was only on the last half lap that a few guys came past me. I was just pushing all the way as I was keen to get it over and done with. It felt like I was doing okay, but I was not checking my time. Some of the course is sheltered by trees, but you could not avoid getting wet. I felt for the marshals. Not all had umbrellas.

I gave it what I had left on the last straight and came 33rd of 107 in just under 27 minutes. Given the conditions I think that is okay. My hip was not too bad on this run.

I starting trudging back home. As I left the station I heard a familiar engine noise behind me as my other half had come to give me a lift back. It was lucky she spotted me as I did not know she was coming. She had sent me a message, but I do not take my phone to parkrun generally.

I was straight in the shower to warm up. My kit had soaked up a fair bit of water, so that was some extra weight to carry. After a shower and a coffee I feel fine.

I am away for the next few weeks, but will try to get to a parkrun if possible.

Strava users can also see these posts on Hive where they are automatically created so that I can earn from them. Give me a shout if you want to try that.

Run free.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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