Morning Run: parkrun 96

steevc just finished a 7.63km run, that lasted for 64 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 553.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
The weather was looking unsettled for today. As I set off for parkrun it was a little windy. I was not feeling at my best, but jogged some of the way to the start. At that point I was not feeling like I could run 5km non-stop, but that can change.

When I got there the marshals were just heading towards the start, so I walked and chatted with one of the team. Despite all the rain this week the course was fine and not slippery. There seemed to be a fair number there with a few tourists. Apparently some events were cancelled due to the weather, but then some people might stay at home when it looks like it might rain.

When we started the leaders soon zoomed off as I found my pace. There is an area after the first bend that is always last to dry out and it was a little squelchy, but not a problem. I just focused on keeping my legs moving.

Various people came past me, but I overtook a couple as we started the last lap. I was determined to give it all I could. That last lap is always a personal battle, but you know it is just a few more minutes before you can stop. I was flagging, but found something for the final sprint to the finish.

21st place out of 82 is not too bad. This is a minute down on my best time, so I need to find more fitness to get back there. I aim to get back to four runs each week.

I jogged some of the way home feeling very drained. Not long after I got back it rained heavily, so those still out on the course will have gotten wet. After a shower we were out for some shopping in Letchworth. I bought a couple of CDs in the nice music shop. We had more wind and rain whilst we were out.

I am closing in on run 100. That may be at a different location.

Run free!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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