Morning Run: parkrun 94

steevc just finished a 8.36km run, that lasted for 76 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 586.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
Another walk and muggy morning, but I was up for a run. I did some stretches before I went out and then jogged up there. The workmen were busy on the roadworks again. I really hope that will be finished soon.

I saw a few people heading the same way as I got down to the station. As I walked around to the start I think one lady had tripped on the tree roots, but she seemed to be okay. It was looking busy at the start as I chatted to some of the regulars. I think we had some 'refugees' from Bedford as the park will be closed off due to some big concerts there this weekend. We are going to see Sting there tonight.

I set off fairly quick, but tried to settle into a steady pace. My hip was not troubling me too much, but it was still hard work. I used some others to pace myself,but there was some swapping of places.

I was checking my kilometre times and could see I was slipping a little on the second lap, so I pushed a little harder. My time was 26:04 and I finished 29th of 137. That is quicker than my last couple of runs, so I am happy enough.

I hung around for some others to finish and walked back with them to their car before jogging the rest of the way. I was really warm when I got back and needed to cool down a little before my shower. I did a few more stretches after that. I have been neglecting that generally, so will try to do more to help my body recover. I am seeing the physio again next week to see if I have improved. I think it is getting better anyway.

Run free and enjoy your weekend.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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