Morning Run: Oh I do like to freeze beside the seaside

steevc just finished a 9.02km run, that lasted for 55 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 668.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
I am back in Portsmouth again as the UK freezes. It may have been slightly below zero as I headed out early from the hotel. It was certainly very frosty and slippery in places. I wanted to run along the coast path, but a lot of it is fenced off for work on the sea defences. I had to turn back on some paths that were blocked. I saw a few other runners out there.

I saw some brave souls getting in the sea for a dip. I assume that they had wetsuits and did not stay in long, but I was not hanging around to check. Wild and cold water swimming are big things these days.

I went on past the pier as far as the Tenth Hole cafe where we had breakfast on a previous visit. I came back alone back streets that were a little less frosty. There are some impressive houses around there. Some are massive and a sign of how wealthy the place was. It is still a big navy port, but would have had a lot of benefit from trade too.

I went past the Southsea shops and managed to do a loop there. That was not intentional as I was just wandering with no real plan. I ended up going a little further than I initially expected, but then I missed parkrun as I was out on Friday night at a party and needed to be ready to go away the next morning.

The run certainly woke me up. I had a warm shower and then a big hotel breakfast that I felt I had earned.

Run free!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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