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Lunch Run: Sunny geese

steevc just finished a 5.65km run, that lasted for 32 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 391.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
The mixed weather continues, but it was a sunny day. A lot of people went for the Christmas meal in the canteen, but I had running to do. I do not eat turkey anyway. Actually we tried a potential festive meal tonight that could be mistaken for meat with stuffing. Just because we do not eat meat does not mean we cannot have things that are like it.

The run was my usual loop with the long climb up to the lakes. I did actually manage a personal best on part of that, but not for the full climb. I was not too far for that.

The geese were out in force at the lake, but they ignored me as I jogged past. I had to get back for a meeting, so I took a slightly shorter route this time down various side roads and did not use the outdoor gym.

Coming back is mostly downhill, but still has a few climbs with one right at the end. Strava says it was 49m of climbing.

Although it was fairly cool I was sweating well, but had to get on with my shower. I rarely see anyone else in the changing rooms, but there was a bag there. I made it just in time for my meeting.

Run free!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.

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