Lunch Run: Splash!

steevc just finished a 5.14km run, that lasted for 29 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 363.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
My legs are not too bad after my 10k on Sunday. I wanted to get out to keep them working. I sort of figured out a route, but ended up not sticking to it. It was raining a little as I went out and there were a few showers, but not too bad really. I also forgot my arm strap and so had to hold my phone in my hand. That is really not ideal.

This was all on footpaths. Some on residential streets and some on cycle paths alongside the busy roads. I just improvised it, but it worked out nicely as a 5k. I turned around at one point when I realised I was going back the way I just came when I was looking for a road parallel to the High Street. I did not find that one and ended up tramping some of the same streets with some aborted turnings that lead to dead ends.

It was mostly fairly flat with some gentle climbs to make me work a little harder. I cross the railway a few times.

As I was showering afterwards the rain was hammering on the roof, so I may have missed the worst of it.

I am about to do HiveChat on Twitter. This is a weekly event where someone posts questions for others to answer about Hive. Please check it out. This is my third time setting the questions.

Run free!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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