Qeshm GeoPark Trail Running Done

Hey dear friends. Hope you break your limits.

I just finished a 40.945km running that lasted about 7hh:18mm:39ss !

You see fantastic nature of the race placed in Qeshm Island.

Actually I didn't registered in this festival, I just went with my friends but one of my friends faced a problem before the race and my friends just spoke with managers & they gave his number to me. So I became 289.

Thank dear Hamed Balvardi to allow me run with his number.



Here is men start time, the holy sunrise.

Unfortunately the government just made lots of problems for competition organizers. One of the problems was changing the men & women start time right 6 hours before competition.

Unfortunately women forced to start 90 min after men. the weather was really hot for them.


You see the 2nd Check Point, 24 km after beginning.
I just continued more slowly from here. It was so hot.


You see Zahra who just finished some minutes after me.
Zahra and Reza, her husband, decided to participate in another competition after this one.
They're who just made a revolution of running in our city.


And here is my selfie with a folk, nice skin color, nice clothes, nice goats.


You can see the race path and my pace splits.




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