Evening Run

I just finished a 8.935km running that lasted about 0hh:40mm:29ss !


After skipping again going for a run two days in a row again, I had to run today. Weather is better with cooler temperatures and plenty of sun, so no excuse. I wanted to run late morning or early afternoon for once, but as usual I completely failed my schedule and ended up getting started when the sun had already set. So, I had to stay on the local streets, preferably with street lights. The problem is that they don't all have lights, and some portions were really dark and actually dangerous. But except for a few small tree branches that I couldn't see in time, I didn't hit anything, so no problem.

I saw a few deer hiding in the dark, and at some point I could also smell the foul smell of a skunk, or maybe skunks. And like I said, it was dark, so I was very worried it would still be around. My dogs got sprayed several times by skunk, and that really stinks! Luckily, I didn't surprise one and got sprayed, at least not tonight.

Now, the run itself was pretty good. Almost 9 km at 7:17 min mile, this is probably one of my best paces in a while, except for very short runs. And I noticed my average heart rate seemed a bit lower too. Definitely the temperature around 72F (22 degrees Celsius) and lower humidity help me a lot. I hope this trend continues, and we get much chillier temperatures soon. I also hope I can increase my mileage in September because in August it was just really bad, with only 63km! Probably my lowest since I started monitoring my runs. Maybe this long week end, I can get started on longer runs, we'll see.

Till then, keep Exhausting!

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