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one Yard

Following Big Dog's Backyard Ultra World Championships for the third day motivated me to run a Yard on my own. I tried to run 6.706 kilometers as slow as possible. I need some walking breaks to keep the pace down.

Five runners remain in the competition. They are currently in their 58th hour. Incredible and amazing.

Live results
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Live video stream at this moment

My meager run was in the dark already. Intentionally slow. In the end, it was longer than the Yard distance since I want to reach an 18 K @actifit mark today too.

Cadence and stride show I was really trying to run slowly. It is the norm at the Backyard competitions. Take it easy to have enough time to rest before the next round starts. Of course, this is not easy any longer when you are awake and running for more than two days.

The blue dots above are walking breaks.

Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
Join me in testing out EXHAUST!

Proof of Run on Strava

This run on Strava | Strava profile

All the physical activity data that I display in my @exhaust and @actifit reports is gathered with the help of Coros Pace sports watch and displayed with Coros app.

Better and better