Podutik - Jakob - Podutik

Three weeks ago the long run was from Podutik up to the village of Topol and back down. Today it was almost the same with the difference being the goal. It was the hill of Sv. Jakob which is good two kilometers away from Topol with some additional climb.

After some nine kilometers of run and hike this was the first view of my destination this morning. Nice, isn't it?

Closer and closer with every step I took.

Finally, at the top. The view is magnificient.

After some rest and a chat with a colleague that I met at the top it was time to head back down.

In the end it was over 20 kilometers with 800 meters of climb. Satisfied.

better and better
:ervin :lemark

ervin-lemark just finished a 22.87km run, that lasted for 206 minutes.
This run helped ervin-lemark burn 1709.0 calories.

Description from Strava:  2.82 new kilometers

-- From Wandrer.earth

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Recreational runner who loves the great outdoors. The longer the run/hive the better :)


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