Kevin's long Saturday Cycle and 3 simple list of don'ts

Bit of an epic day yesterday and feeling my age today, well almost,.
Long cycle turned out to be almost 60K which is the first don't of the day. Don't listen to your mate when he tells you he knows where there is a great coffee shop.
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A few ups and downs on the way too but the downs really are a lot more fun.
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OK the coffee was good but it was a bloody long ride to get there, Paulo was rather quiet, that is a first, drinking his coffee I'm sure he was thinking of the hills on the way back.
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Well worth stopping if your passing and they have an interesting range of coffee paraphernalia if your interested in that sort of thing.IMG_1434 2.jpeg
It was not all hard work but I'm not sure if this is an all you can eat place. It was at the top of one of the bigger hills so a good place to stop for a breather anyway.IMG_1436 2.jpeg
The second don't. Don't let someone persuade you its a good idea to go paddle boarding when your legs feel like jelly. Thanks @scubahead. IMG_0288.jpeg
I managed to fall in about 3 times, I'm blaming the waves from the side and being knackered, on the plus side I am getting better at climbing back on, I was on my knees by the time I got back to the house with some "encouragement" from Scubahead, and the beer really did taste good when I got home. there would be some more photos too but for the third don't.

And the 3rd don't? Don't believe Apple when they tell you the Iphone8 is waterproof, about 1 foot deep and 40seconds.IMG_0578 2.jpeg
Overnight in the rice doesn't seem to have done much good so I'm not holding out much hope but at least I still have my old Iphone6 to get by on so I wont have to give up on Mapmyride or Pokémon :).

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