Monday Run - 18km (getting back on track)

dannewton just finished a 18.19km run, that lasted for 122 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1386.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
You may have noticed the lack of running from the weekend... and thats mostly due to getting put off by the weather, and then sulking because because I hadn't been able to run...

sounds a bit stupid now I try and talk about it now...

The weather was appallingly wet on Saturday morning, and then in the afternoon it was super windy. Besides, I really need to get that long un done in the morning, otherwise the whole day seems to slip away. And then on Sunday I slept in until pretty much lunchtime, and had no interest running in the afternoon either. It made for a fairly unproductive weekend, but trying to find something positive about the whole... it turned into an easy recovery week.

I was really tired both days, so maybe it was my body stepping in and forcing me to cut back.


Anyway, an unplanned lazy weekend completed, it was time to get back out there today and start the week's training on the right foot.

I was working today, but in a change of pace it was an 'away day' whereby we all (by which I mean the whole, 80-strong team) all headed out to a nearby college for a day of meetings and team building stuff. It wasn't overly exciting, but I suppose it was something different, and we still got paid for it!

And... we finished earlier than expected, which meant I had the luxury of heading out for my run sharpish at 4:30pm.

I did need to make a quick detour to head to the Post Office to post the below parcel for my partner...


...parcel posted and 'proof of postage' stamped, I then headed out onto the bypass for a relatively easy 18km run.

Compared to the last couple of weeks with the Icy, Wintery conditions, the weather has since turned more mild again. As such I left the running tights behind and headed out in shorts and a jacket. I didn't even need gloves this time! It was mostly dry, but on the way back some light misty drizzly rain started to fall. That wasn't particularly pleasant, but fortunately it was right near the end of the run, so I didn't get too wet.

And with the run done, and a quick shower, I've now got a little bit of time to start putting up some Christmas decorations... cos y'know, 'tis the season and all that! 🎄🎄

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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