
hello nobody likes the direction rising star is taking. my proposal is to give a new function to the ego, it would be like an "inner ego" this ego is created as the player sees his character grow, the player is also filled with ego affecting the character.

"Inner Ego" effect reduces the fan stats of cards by 2%, down to 50% of their base stats

how to keep the "inner ego" balanced for every 10000 fans they must have 1 STAR PRO

give it balance to the burning of starbits and generating shortages of star pro

I would also increase the percentage of the millionaire letter to 30% so that everyone feels that it is worth so much effort

It is in a personal initiative now I invite everyone who wants to collaborate with ideas for and send them to the rising star discord

Thanks for reading this post to the end.

hola a nadie le gusta el rumbo q eta tomando rising star. mi propuesta es darle una nueva funcion al ego seria como "ego interior" este ego se crea a medida de q el jugador ve crecer al su personaje el jugador tambien se llena de ego afectando al personaje.

efecto "ego interior" reduce 2% las estadisticas de fans de las cartas hasta reducir al 50% de sus estadisticas base

como mantener equilibrado el "inner ego" por cada 10000 fans deben tener 1 STAR PRO

dandelo equilibrio a la quema de starbits y generando escaces de star pro

tambien aumentaria el porentaje de la carta millonaria al 30% para q todos sientan q bale la pena tanto esfuerzo

Esta en una inciativa personal ahora invito a todos los q quiera colaborar con con ideas y se envien a al discord de rising star

gracias por leer este post hasta el final.

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