Ah great fathersday gift, a concert of Slipknot !!

On June 10, I went to a performance of a local band with my younger brother. When we got there I got a call from my son Sam, the youngest. He asked if I had to go to the office next Tuesday (June 13), which I didn't have to. Great, he said, then we'll go to Slipknot together as a gift for Father's Day. I was silent for a moment, especially because we were actually going to Graspop just for Slipknot, but because we spent quite a bit of money on his car project, we decided not to go. I thought it was so sweet of him that he just came up with this himself.

On Tuesday the two of us drove to Amsterdam, it was in the Ziggodome. A concert hall with seating for about 15,000 people. We had a nice seat right in front of the stage, the funny thing was that Sam thought we didn't have such nice seats, but to be honest, it couldn't be better :)

There were two supporting bands. With the first the sound was really bad, with the second a bit better but still not great. After some time Slipknot started, with a nice long intro. After that the band went wild, the sound was really amazing and Corey Taylor's voice was top of notch.



As a frontman, Corey Taylor is one of a kind. He whips up the audience with his energy, very cool to see. In October he will come to the Netherlands solo, in 013 in Tilburg. We bought tickets :)

With his other band Stone Sour and his solo projects (also acoustic) he shows how versatile he is. A musician and entertainer.

Regular items in Slipknot's shows are always the clowns on the drums, the masks and the signature blows on the kegs. I honestly thought this was one of the best concerts I've ever been to, the atmosphere was great, the sound was amazing and Slipknot's show (including videos) was simply amazing. I was so grateful to my little boy ;) for this beautiful gift !!


A night to remember,

Take care,


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