Radiohead y su Ok Computer // Radiohead and its OK Computer


Hoy me levanté con la noticia de la reedición de los discos Kid A y Amnesiac en un solo título llamado KID A AMNESIA. Eso me recuerda que ya en el 2017 se hizo una reedición del Ok Computer, tenía que escucharlo de nuevo.

Today I woke up with the news of the reissue of Kid A and Amnesiac albums in a single title called KID A AMNESIA. That reminds me that already in 2017 a reissue of Ok Computer was made, I had to listen to it again.


Radiohead es una de mis bandas favoritas, y si bien cada disco y canción que he podido escuchar de esta banda británica, ha aumentado mi gusto por ella, es con el Ok Computer que se inicia todo. Este disco es el tercero de la banda, lanzado en 1997 y con 13 tracks en ella. Logró un buen numero en ventas y según muchas revistas y páginas especializadas, se encuentra entre los mejores discos de la historia.

Radiohead is one of my favorite bands, and although each album and song that I have heard from this British band has increased my taste for it, it is with the Ok Computer that everything starts. This album is the band's third, released in 1997 and with 13 tracks on it. It achieved a good number in sales and according to many magazines and specialized pages, it is among the best albums in history.


Entre sus canciones incluyen clásicos de la banda, al menos a mi parecer, como Paranoid Android, Karma Police y No Surprises. Mi canción favorita del disco es Paranoid Android, es una canción que tiene diferentes momentos y ritmos, siendo toda una experiencia. Otros canciones que experimentan sonidos y gustan mucho son Subterranean Homesick Alien, Exit Music(For a Film) y Electioneering. Todos estos temas tienen un aire atmosférico que de alguna manera te zambulle. Todos los temas restantes generan un complemento perfecto. A excepción de Filter Happier, el track tipo broma del disco.

His songs include classics of the band, at least in my opinion, such as Paranoid Android, Karma Police and No Surprises. My favorite song on the album is Paranoid Android, it is a song that has different moments and rhythms, being quite an experience. Other songs that experience sounds and like a lot are Subterranean Homesick Alien, Exit Music (For a Film) and Electioneering. All these themes have an atmospheric air that somehow plunges you into it. All the remaining themes generate a perfect complement. Except for Filter Happier, the joke-type track on the album.

Este disco y su reedición del 2017 lo puedes escuchar en Spotify, algo que te recomiendo ampliamente. Por mi parte seguiré lanzando reseñas de discos y artistas que me parezca interesante compartir.

You can listen to this album and its 2017 reissue on Spotify, something that I highly recommend. For my part I will continue to launch reviews of albums and artists that I find interesting to share.


Como nota final, mencionó que pude ver en vivo a Radiohead en abril del 2018, acá en Lima, donde pude escuchar muchas de las canciones de este disco y otros. Excelente banda.

As a final note, he mentioned that I was able to see Radiohead live in April 2018, here in Lima, where I was able to listen to many of the songs of this album and others. Excellent band.

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