Introduction as Curator



As strange as it sounds for me to say that, it is what it is. I am a BAS holder in Digital Media, and I have produced not only music but photography and film as well. When I saw the creation of #MusicForLife, I began to create posts that made me eligible for the Airdrop, and of course, I staked my tokens as soon as I had them. Then, when the Discord was available, I joined and became active. Soon, I was very honored to be asked to be a delegated curator for the #M4L community!

Running sound for a local theater

New to Curation

I am still learning the voting weights and how that works out, but I am a fast study, so it will not be long before I am doing this curation thing like a pro! In the meantime, if you go to HiveVote you can follow my curation trail, however, do not do this if you do not understand what it means! I only vote for original content, non-plagerized posts, and I do run them through a paid checker. I will give feedback to help people become better bloggers, but one I can say will help in general is to have translations in the post if English is not your native language. It will not only help us to curate, but it will also help you build readers, and help people to learn new music as well!

The logo for the Media Creation Company I started in 2018


The team in M4L has given me permission to use my personal business logo when I am curating posts for the community, so if you see this on a post, you know I have checked it! Sorry for the short post, but it has been a long day, and it is currently six-thirty in the morning here, and I need some sleep, so until tomorrow, Rock On and keep playing #RisingStar!
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