Flashback to the "Old Normal"

On the way...

Guess where we are going...

Yes, that is right, in this photo we are on the way to go see something that people used to call a "Concert." You see, back before the Covid hysteria made everyone afraid of everything, people actually used to gather in mass crowds at places where they would freely associate with whomever they wanted, and in general, enjoy themselves while witnessing live people, in person, perform music!

Made it!

Friends from school...

This trip began in class one day, I think it was an Audio Production class, where Jonathon, the kid with the blue shirt on, said, "Hey guys, did you see Ozzy was coming to Pine Knob?" Keith, the bigger guy, nor myself had heard this fantastic news, and of course, we were interested. You see, back in those days, there were certain musicians that just did not need to have a "last name," and Ozzy Osbourne was one of them. He was one of the "Rock God's" from the old days, not only before Covid but also before music decided that talent was not needed to perform. He was known as the "Prince of Darkness" the "Great Ozz," "The Wizard of Ozz," and the "Godfather of Heavy Metal," among other things. We were going to see him perform the "No More Tours" concert, which was a throwback to a song he wrote called "No More Tears," a song with a heavy bass line also written by Zakk Wylde.

The "No More Tours" ticket

Hours just to get in...

In those days, it would take hours just to get in the gate to the venue where the concert was being held. In this case, it was a place called "Pine Knob," or, if you are a sell-out, "DTE Energy Music Theatre." There was a very well-known controversy in Michigan regarding the re-naming of "Pine Knob," and to true music fans, that is the name it will forever be known as! Something else you should know is this, often these "Concerts" we used to go to could be dangerous places. You might see drug use, nudity, and even fights! People were allowed to drink alcohol there, and I mean, can you imagine people actually living that way?


Look at them not social distancing!


Again, how dangerous!


Here you see people giving a "Rock God" the respect he deserves!


Ozzy Osbourne!

At the time these pictures were taken in 2018, this man on stage, still giving his heart to his music, was seventy years old! Can you imagine that? Seventy years old and not only still creating and performing music, but think of his immune system and how much danger he was putting himself in by being around all those people, and all those germs! That is another reason why he was respected as much as he was. Not only was the man known for his love of bats, but he was also known as being willing to put his own life in danger just to be able to keep his fans entertained!


Zakk Wylde

In the photo above you can see the very rare artifact that I was lucky enough to obtain at the Ozzy Osbourne concert. Yes, that is an autographed Zakk Wylde poster, actually hand signed! Legend has it, the holder of this artifact can just think about music, and other people will hear it in their heads! In the future, maybe it will be an #NFT in some way. Hmm, something to look into...

Hope you enjoyed my lighthearted post! God Bless the Hive!

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