New Songs and more to come

My collaboration with Choujaa on my song ICU

This song is growing at close to 7000 streams per day. Once again I am humbled and overwhelmed at having an international audience listening to my music.

Back home in South Africa my new song "Cheers to Me" went straight to No1 on the Top 40 of East Coast Radio in Natal. It stayed in the No 1 position for 2 weeks and then on Saturday was at No 2.

The song is being added to playlists and we see many people Shazam'ing it. Thank you South Africa!!

Here is 'Cheers To Me':

And for those of you who haven't seen the lyric video here it is:

Thanks to @melinda010100 for hosting a competition on Free Compliments community page. It was a great success and we are still gathering some videos to make a music video for the song.

More music coming in August and September. Can't wait to share with you.

Much Love
Eden 😘

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