CRISTO CURRENSI - Babilonios // Babylonians (Lyrics) [ESP-ENG]

Track 05 del EP 'PENTATEUCO'

LETRA / VOZ: Cristo Currensi
BEAT: Slowchestra Music

EP estrenado el 1 de Noviembre, D铆a de Todos los Crypto Santos.


Pintan Revoluci贸n de color negligencia,
hablan de Bitcoin refugiados en la tendencia,
estoy perdiendo pelo pero no la decencia:
mercaderes del templo se acab贸 la paciencia.

Desmonto criptoexpertos fumando Amnesia,
garbanzos del puchero oponen m谩s resistencia,
la camada de los tiempos del moderno bandolero,
monta una ICO y se queda tu dinero.

La Blockchain de Roma
quiere Bitcoin de la Galia,
batallo centuriones
con la cara de bataglia,
cintur贸n de tibur贸n,
ERC20 en las sandalias;
con ballestas y un tambor
defendemos Libertaria.

Iba de experto, era un esperpento
hay discursos con los que yo desconecto,
ten铆a un deje raro desde el primer momento,
veo banderas rojas y por supuesto os alerto,
scammers me ven, se ponen a cubierto,
reportan los videos donde se la inserto,
es cierto, lo paso bien haciendo estos textos;
no tengo religi贸n pero cumplo mandamientos.

La Blockchain de Roma
quiere Bitcoin de la Galia,
batallo centuriones
con la cara de bataglia,
cintur贸n de tibur贸n y
ERC20 en las sandalias;
con ballestas y un tambor
defendemos Libertaria.

Entr茅 a la madriguera, hoy no puedo volver,
voy firmando galer铆as con mi clave PGP;
descifrando la pared,
haciendo arqueolog铆a en el keyserver GPG.

Ya lo saben to's, esto no es un spoiler:
eran fans del pop, hoy se llaman bitcoiners,
dicen crypto y no saben donde sale ese nombre,
montados en una nave y no saben ni a donde.
No tengo certezas tengo amigos en los bordes,
imprimen piezas nuevas pa' invertir el desorden;
no buscamos pruebas solo luz en la morgue,
llueve deuda afuera y bailamos los pobres.


They paint Revolution in the color of neglect,
talk of Bitcoin refugees in the trend,
I'm losing hair but not decency:
Temple merchants patience is over.

I dismantle crypto-experts smoking amnesia,
chickpeas from the pot put up more resistance,
the litter of the times of the modern bandit,
set up an ICO and take your money.

The Blockchain of Rome
wants Bitcoin from Gaul,
I fight centurions
with the face of bataglia,
shark belt,
ERC20 in sandals;
with crossbows and a drum
we defend Libertaria.

He was an expert, he was grotesque,
there are speeches with which I disconnect,
he had a weird look from the first moment,
I see red flags and of course I alert you,
scammers see me, they take cover,
they report the videos where I penetrate them,
it's true, I have fun doing these texts;
I have no religion but I keep commandments.

The Blockchain of Rome
wants Bitcoin from Gaul,
I fight centurions
with the face of bataglia,
shark belt and
ERC20 in sandals;
with crossbows and a drum
we defend Libertaria.

I went down the rabbit hole, today I can't go back,
I'm signing galleries with my PGP key;
deciphering the wall,
doing archeology in the GPG keyserver.

Everyone knows it, this is not a spoiler:
they were pop fans, today they're called bitcoiners,
they say crypto and don't know where that name comes from,
they ride a ship and they don't even know where it goes.
I have no certainties, I have friends on the edges,
they print new pieces to reverse the mess;
we don't look for proof only light in the morgue,
it rains debt outside and we poor people dance.


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