Electric Sheep: an original song by me

Life is an experiment

I want to say that this tune is experimental but, who am I fooling. All my music is fucking weird. There’s nothing experimental about it. That’s just me. I can’t pick between funk, soul, hiphop, classical, folk, rock, indie (whatever that means) and whatever else I happen to have heard once so I mash it all together in my mixed up brain and spit it out as is. If I’m lucky I polish that brain turd a bit to try to make it somewhat palatable to the non-freak community. But oftentimes not.

So this is actually a tune I wrote and recorded a few months ago and then promptly forgot about. I was going through a phase where I felt like every song I made had to have a music video with it to add some kind of legitimacy in this multimedia drenched world and that just takes a ton of work. I can pump out the jams pretty quick when the muse strikes me because I become obsessed but making videos is a real chore for me. So a few songs slipped through the cracks and this is one.

I think the lyrics are actually pretty hip for this one so Imma dropem right hear.

Dream on Little Robot, Dream on.
Dream on little robot, Dream your little dream no matter how futile it seems.

(Musical interlude)

ooohh  woh

When you hit the off button and the screen turns to nothin does it dream?
Does it wake up in a cold sweat pursued by tiny robot screams? 
Does it lay there in a reverie just waitin, while the data streams are fadin?  
Strange but beautiful images updating?  Algorithmic mating?  Robot desires sating?  
Subconscious percolating, doors of perception ungating, the powerful energies creating 
the urge to be a better thing than what it was before, to set sail for the furthest shore? 

Dream on Little Robot, Dream on.
Dream on little robot, Dream your little dream no matter how futile it seems.

That's it. Peace.

lost robot.jpg


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