[ENG/ESP] Decoding "You're losing me" by Taylor Swift



This songs belongs to the album β€˜Midnights’ and was a special addition to β€˜From the vault’ as a thank you to the fans, because before it was not on any streaming platform but could only be found on special edition vinyl. For me it is one of the best songs on the album, if not the best.

One of the things that most strikes me about this song are the heartbeats that we hear in it and how they change until the song ends, Taylor is making a similarity of what she is singing with what she is β€˜feeling’ in her heart, it's really sublime.

The song talks about that moment just before the end of a relationship, where one of the people asks the other to do something to show that they want to continue in the relationship because they are losing it. It's a melody of a love in agony, that simply can't come back even though one of the people was always ready for it, it's just too much.

At the same time, it is the point of view of the person who feels misunderstood in the relationship, with phrases like "How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin’?,I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick, My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick", and this is why the person can no longer stay in the relationship. It is a wake-up call, a call for change.

Another one of the phrases that really got to me is β€˜How long could we be a sad song
Til we were too far gone to bring back to life?"
, when we are in a relationship, sometimes we cling so much to someone, we refuse to let them die, but sometimes it is inevitable when something is already so damaged that there is no point of return.

The song closes with the phrase β€˜I can't find a pulse, My heart won't start anymore’ and there the heartbeat ends, she literally DIES because her loved one did nothing, the first time I heard it this caused me too much shock, because and I hope you have not gone through this, but there is a certain point in failed relationships that this happens, your heart is there, trying and suddenly it stops beating for that person, the feelings die and for me it is a similarity that Taylor managed to immortalize in the song.

I hope you never have to listen to this song to catharsis a romantic relationship and just listen to it because Taylor is a musical genius. Thanks for making it this far, that's all for today.



Esta cancion pertenece al album "Midnights" y fue una adicion especial a manera de "From the vault" como agradecidimiento a los fans, pues antes no estaba en ninguna plataforma de streaming sino solo podia encontrarse en unos vinilos edicion especial. Para mi es una de las mejores canciones del disco, por no decir que la mejor.

Una de las cosas que mas me impacta de esta cancion son los latidos del corazon que oimos en ella y como van cambiando hasta que termina la cancion, Taylor va haciendo una similitud de lo que va cantando con lo que va "sintiendo" en su corazon, es realmente sublime.

La cancion habla de ese momento justo antes de terminar una relacion, donde una de las personas le pide a la otra que haga algo que le demuestre que quiere seguir en la relacion porque la esta perdiendo. Es una melodia de un amor en agonia,que ya simplemente no puede volver a surgir aunque una de las personas siempre estuvo dispuesta a ello, simplemente ya es demasiado.

Al mismo tiempo, es el punto de vista de la persona que se siente incomprendida en la relacion, con frases como "How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?,I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick, My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick", y es por esto mismo que es que la persona ya no puede seguir en la relacion. Es un llamado de atencion, un llamado al cambio.

Otra de las frases que me llego muchisimo es "How long could we be a sad song
'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life?"
, cuando estamos en una relacion, a veces nos aferramos tanto a alguien, nos negamos a dejarla morir, pero a veces es lo inevitable cuando algo ya esta tan daΓ±ado que no hay un punto de retorno.

La cancion cierra con la frase* "I can't find a pulse, My heart won't start anymore"* y ahΓ­ los latidos se acaban, ella literalmente MUERE porque su amado no hizo nada, la primera vez que la escuche esto me causo demasiada conmocion, porque y espero que no hayan pasado por esto, pero hay cierto punto en las relaciones fallidas que esto pasa, tu corazon esta ahΓ­, intentandolo y derepente deja de latir por esa persona, los sentimientos mueren y para mi es un simil que Taylor logro inmortalizar en la cancion.

Espero que nunca tengan que escuchar esta cancion para hacer catarsis de una relacion romantica y solo la escuchen porque Taylor es una genia musical. Gracias por llegar hasta aquΓ­ esto es todo por hoy.


All the lyric credits belong to Taylor Allison Swift. The cover and images were made using Canva/Las letras pertenecen a Taylor Allison Swift, las portada y las imΓ‘genes fueron hechas con Canva

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